29th , 2004 - wednesday
everyone, Clio
Chiang is holding an auction to help send money to the
tsunami victims. The winning bidder gets an original commissioned
piece by her. Clio's work is awesome, and Clio is awesome, so
you should help her to help others. Here is
a link for those that want to help regardless...
the work front...
Kutter Chapter Four hits stores today. Despite my misgivings
about some of the rushed drawings, the issue came out beautifully,
and I am also now realizing that I have been drawing the pages
at the wrong dimensions for some reason. Sigh. Further proof that
illustrators are terrible at math...
just converted my bed back into a couch. This can only mean one
thing: deadlines are looming. I am working round the clock and
trying to keep myself from sleeping too much, so I just take sporadic
naps on that thing. I really need to get better at putting together
my work schedule, because I seem to up against the wall all the
time. I always forget to incorporate all my "lazy time",
when my brain would be too fried to keep working, and when I start
working on getting the spider ball in Metroid Prime (how does
one acquire thing anyway?), or look for more spaceship parts in
Pikmin. Damn this infernal Gamecube. Here's an image from my Flight
2 story...

and for everyone who has sent me email... thank you so much. I
read each and every one of them, but with my current schedule
(and having to answer about 20 work-related emails a day) I haven't
had the time to get to all the responses. I'll set up a Bolt City
FAQ soon, for all the technical questions, and I'll try to get
back to everyone else after I finish up with this current comic...