28th, 2004 - thursday
off, Daisy
Kutter Chapter Three is in stores now!!!
hate politics...
try not to bring up politics too much here on this blog, but with
the elections right around the corner, and with the nature of
this one, how can I not address it? Granted, I didn't care all
too much in 2000, but I'd like to remedy my apathy by at least
engaging in a good discussion. So, after writing 5 separate drafts
of a lengthy blog entry skewering the current administration,
I thought it better to open this up to a
discussion instead. Please feel free to have your voice heard.
The discussion has been pretty civil and intelligent so far.
also just realized that my very talented friend Johane
Matte has put up a
website! Her work is fantastic and she'll be doing a story
in the upcoming Flight Volume