14th, 2004 - thursday
to everyone who sent me kind emails the last couple of days. I
suspect many of you are Penny
Arcade fans, and I'm glad Gabe and Tycho had kind words for
Miss Daisy. I also realize that the Daisy
page was left a little unattended, so I spruced it up a bit
with some appropriate self-promo and such. Hehe. After Viper updated
their Daisy microsite,
I figured everyone would be checking out that one instead. I'm
also happy to see people enjoying the Daisy books. Thank you for
writing in and letting me know your thoughts on the series. It
means a lot.

service announcement...
guys are all watching the presidential debates right? If not,
you can check them out here.
Get your feelers out, folks, and be sure to participate in this
year's election. I'll try and post a short essay on my thoughts
on this year's election shortly before November 2nd.
to work...
back to working on the final chapter of Daisy Kutter: The Last
Train again, although I'm feeling a little under the weather.
It seems I caught the flu that's going around, but I think it's
already passing. You can also expect another new Copper comic
in a very short time, as it's already written and I began penciling
the strip this morning.
next week...
I don't post much next week it is likely that I will be back in
Orange County to see my grandfather, who is undergoing major heart
surgery, so please excuse my absence ahead of time.