5th, 2004 - sunday
chatting with my friend David about the old LucasArts Monkey
Island games, I started raving about another LucasArts game
called Grim
Fandango. Man, I loved that game. I had the main character
walk around and talk to as many of the other characters as I could
find, just to hear all the hilarious dialogue. The puzzles themselves
were fun, but I could have watched and listened to the characters
do their thing for days. Anyway, while thinking about those games,
I remembered that a guy named Tim Schafer had created and directed
some of them, including Full Throttle and Grim
Fandango, which led me over to the Double
Fine Productions website. Double Fine Productions is the company
Tim Schafer started after leaving LucasArts and they've been working
on a game called Psychonauts for a long while now.
I've been anticipating its release for some time, so after reading
some online news source a while ago stating that Double Fine lost
its backing from Microsoft, I became a little worried. Well, I
just went to check in on the site again to see where they're at,
and it looks like they have a new financier! Good news! Not only
that, but they have some cool comics on the website! And here
they are. It's great stuff... enjoy! (comment...)
for your listening pleasure...
- "Seal the Deal"
try to put up more links to good music. Of course, you can always
go over to my friend Neil's site,
and get the really good stuff.