
Copper - Transit___________________________________June 8th, 2004 - tuesday___



Click here to download a printable pdf file to help promote Flight at your local comic shop...

New Copper comic...

I am slowly moving the Copper comics over to the boltcity.com domain. Some of you may have noticed that the comics and image gallery were located at the boltcity.net site, where the Flight forum is also located. In order to free up the traffic for the forum, I'm going to work to set everything else up here at the new Dreamhost account, so please excuse the dust.

Oh, and be sure to order Flight and Daisy Kutter at your local comic store!

Mo' stuff...

The FCC song (link via Scott McCloud)

Here's a screenshot from the new Polar Express trailer...

I really wish this film didn't look as frightening as it does. I have always enjoyed the work of Zemeckis and crew... but this looks like it may be a prime example of what NOT to do with CG. And aside from the scary CG people, the film looks absolutely horrible.


----- end of transmission. -----


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all material (c) copyright 2004 Kazu Kibuishi