

Flight_____________________________________ December 22nd, 2003 - monday___



Added a few more Bolt City banners on the links page...

I'd like to update the front page image a little more frequently, but for now, all of my time and energy has been devoted to putting together the first volume of Flight. I just completed inking the featured 18-page Copper story entitled "Maiden Voyage" and I will begin coloring it this week. Also featured will be the work of Derek Kirk Kim, who is currently updating his Flight story at his website, Small Stories. To get a glimpse of some of the material going into the book, be sure to check out Derek's story as it updates! Along with Derek, Jake Parker of agent44.net fame has been turning up some very impressive work with his adventures of Hugo Earheart, who is currently the featured cover image of the official Flight website. French comicker Bengal will also be turning in a story for Flight, along with Pixar story artist Enrico Casarosa. Their beautiful work is always inspiring, so I am incredibly happy to have them aboard. My drawing buddies - Khang Le, Chris Appelhans, and Cat Chien - have been working on some jaw-dropping stories for the book, as well. Quieter in tone, and absolutely beautiful, these stories are sure to amaze people. I really can't thank my friends enough for the love they're putting into this thing (thanks, guys!). I have also taken some early glimpses of the stories to be turned in by the Pants Press Gang, and the work looks incredible. They are an amazing crew, so I am giddy with excitement to see what they have in store for us all. I've also been a big fan of the webcomics work of Kean Soo and Neil B for some time now, and so it's been a real pleasure working with these guys on this print project. The Flight book will also feature work from some more great artists whose work I admire, including Joel Carroll, Phil Craven (whose Tintin-esque mystery comic is looking gorgeous!), Ben Lee, Dan Blank, Bill "Rex Steele: Nazi Smasher" Presing, Rad Sechrist, and my good friend and mega-talented artist, Wira Winata.

While I'm not exactly sure when the book will be released (sometime in 2004), all the material should be ready to go to print before APE rolls around, so please stay tuned for more info as the project progresses. And folks, please feel free to start spreading the word about the book far and wide. Let's see how much this little web experiment proves to help the project. Thanks, all!

And if you have questions or comments regarding Flight Volume One, please feel free to post them here.


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all material (c) copyright 2003 Kazu Kibuishi