new Copper
comic is up. Thanks to everyone who sent in some great e-mails
this past week. I'm glad to see people enjoy reading the adventures
of Copper and Fred as much as I enjoy telling them, and I really
appreciate all of you who took the time to write some very heartfelt
and thoughtful e-mails. Now start sending some of that hate mail,
people! There must be somebody out there who can't stand these
things. We've gotta have some levity here, so if Copper starts
receiving TOO much love and no hecklers, I'll be sending in Clive
and Cabbage to do some damage.
friend Dave Yeh from UCSB sent in this rendition of Copper
and Fred on a roller coaster. Hmm. That sounds like a good
comic. I'll have to throw that into the old brain bucket and toss
it around. Thanks Dave!
Misch sent in some neat Copper wallpapers he made based on the
first comic, Rocket Pack Fantasy. You can grab them here -->
Thank you, Dan!
now looky here, it appears Daisy Kutter is now getting some love...
Daily Nexus Art Director (my old job!) Rad Sechrist drew up some
ass-kicking Daisy Kutter pieces. Check out all three (1,
2, 3).
Rad is also an amazing comicker in his own right, and I'll send
you folks over to his site once it's up and running. And here's
another cool Daisy drawing
from Jay P. Thanks guys!
of you may have noticed that many of the links lead to an alternate
site (, including most of the Copper comics.
This has been part of my incredibly disorganized effort to keep
from going over my bandwidth limit every month. Currently, it
looks like I'm maxing out on both accounts, so it may be time
to move on. Hopefully, I will be able to consolidate all of the
material onto one site. More on that as I continue on my quest
to be "tech-savvy"...