I made a few more changes. I'm beginning to sound like a broken
record when I say "this website is a continual work-in-progress",
but it is. I'll be moving things around and adding new things
to it so long as I'm not too busy. I also realized that I originally
started this site as a means to get myself to produce more images,
so I guess I better start honoring that.
a week or so, I will begin story work on a feature film project
for a major studio, so it may be difficult for me to continue
with the regular updates. Knowing myself, however, I'm sure I
will run myself ragged trying to keep it up, and I will
again bite off more than I can chew. We'll see.
hope you've been enjoying the work on this site so far. I know
I've produced some crap from time to time, but I'm working to
filter most of it out, and I am learning A LOT by doing all this
another note...
to Scott Kurtz for letting me do a guest piece for the new printed
issue of PVP. Although
I have only been reading webcomics for a few months now, I've
really enjoyed his comics work. I also had a very nice conversation
with him over the phone, and I really respect the very professional
attitude he takes with his craft. I always like hearing artists,
no matter how popular they are, continually talk about getting
better at the work they do. The best ones seem to never stop working
their asses off.
more rambling...
you haven't already done so, I highly recommend picking up copies
of Blankets and Same Difference and Other Stories
at your local comic shop. I remember thinking soon after I started
this site, that I would really like to help get non-comics readers
into comics. So here are a couple of books that you might enjoy
even if you aren't entrenched in the comics subculture. These
books are very well-written, honest accounts of real life issues.
It's literature, I say. Go pick them up, support good comics,
and enjoy the wonderful reading. I just wish I hadn't read them
to self: No more espresso after midnight.