Introducing the Gang______________________________updated: May 19th, 2003 - monday______



I hope everyone had a good weekend. For those of you that are just joining us, I'd like to introduce you to the guys who will be filling in for me while I work on other projects besides this site. I originally brought them together to star in a short animated film I was working on during my stint at UCSB. Some of you may be familiar with these fellas, but I assume the great majority of you folks have never seen them before. Since they weren't doing much of anything except lounging around my apartment eating my Munchos stash, I decided to bring them back on board Bolt City, only this time, it's a website! Okay, guys, introduce yourselves!



Hello! My name is Hi-Top and I am honored to be given the privilege of serving you folks! Please let me know how I can make visiting this site a more pleasant experience, and I will do my best to update accordingly!


This is soo embarrassing...



Bzzt! Bzz-zzzt!



If you click on our icons to the left, you will find a little more info about each of us on the profiles page. More info will be added as time goes on, and I am already talking with other potential staff members who may soon be joining the crew.

Another major function of this bulletin is to answer whatever questions you may have for me or for anybody else on the staff, so be sure to send any questions to contact@boltcity.com. Thanks, and enjoy your stay!


----- end of transmission. -----


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all material (c) copyright 2002 Kazu Kibuishi